
Friday 16 March 2012

Oh the Guilt......

Two weeks ago, or thereabouts, I bought a banjolele. I'd never liked them, but suddenly I did; the more I saw and the more I heard, I realised I had to have one to make the range of ukulele music that I wanted to make - and then the research started.... what sort should I buy? It soon became clear that a new model would simply not do - for the sound I wanted, it just had to be vintage. So what sort? Oh, Lord - the models from banjo-uke heaven fetched prices to match - in fact, whatever I ended up having, I was going to have to raise some extra cash....... plans, plans, ....

A couple of months of scouring the internet followed. I saw a couple of "possibles" on a website - but on inquiry, they'd already gone. "Get a Slingerland, they're great for a beginners," was typical advice that followed these disappointments.

Then one day, a beauty appeared on ebay. The advice "Don't buy on ebay!" was ringing in my ears - fears of monstrosities with warped necks and all manner of other expensive or insoluble problems - but scrutiny of the photos seemed to show that this was almost immaculate - a vintage Slingerland in bird's eye maple, from the 20's or 30's. With some of the cash now in the bank from selling my favourite evening dress and a now unloved flute, I set myself a limit and bid. Oh, how I wanted that banjolele, I just knew it had my name on it......and - yes, I got it! And two weeks later, it arrived at my door from the States, after a long journey and a little stay in Customs.......

So why the guilt? I'm sitting upstairs at my computer, and I can hear my poor, neglected husband wandering in and out of the kitchen, getting himself a drink - because I am no company at all.......I'm not playing this new baby; it's not that...I'm trying to find out how to make it playable - because beautiful though it is, it's just not quite right.... little glitchy things that need real attention before it will play in tune. And the waves of guilt wash over me. Ah me. Spring is here, the sun comes out, the garden calls - and I turn a deaf ear.... I have painting to finish in the kitchen...... ironing - growing into a mountain - but I dare not put this to one side, because I know that if I do, it will sit abandoned until the autumn. Now you know why I call my husband LSH - Long-Suffering Husband. It was the same when I was researching my Family History - I say I am focused - he calls it something else. So now you know. Totally "Uked".

Til next time.... Go play your Ukulele! :D


  1. I hope you get some help to get your banjolele playing properly. I decided I wanted a new one. I was afraid of the possible hassle of a vintage one. I got a Lanakai LB6-S soprano last November. I love it!

    1. I took her to a local luthier today and I'll be reporting on the fruits of that visit! I'd love to know what sort of music you play on your banjolele! You'll find me on the "Underground"! Thanks for the comment!

  2. Well Aloha from sunny Coventry! Its Paul here. I told you I'd check out your blog, great stuff! I can so identify with your LSH story, mine is of course LSG (girlfriend) I had a new ukulele delivered to her place while I was there a few weeks ago and, well, you know how it is. New uke day!! Which turns into new uke week, get the picture."I feel like that damn Ukulele is 'the other woman'"...still ringing in my ears..."Its a novelty right now, it wont always be like this" I reassure her. Mmmm... I have been simply enchanted by the little four-stringed fellow. What can I say? The UAS bug (latin name needus moreukuleleus) or Ukulele Aquisition Syndrome as its more commonly known has bitten me (Seems like it bit me several times for good measure), as we speak, I'm thrashing out the fine details of a Custom built instrument (which, although really cheap for a custom instrument,In reality I can't really afford) in Macassar Ebony and Western red cedar...Sam (my better half) says I'm obssessed. I say I'm in love...with the 'Jumping flea' Who is right? Time will tell, although it is usually her.... Happy strummin' all!! :-)

    1. Thanks Paul! "Needus moreukuleleus" - I love it! Your new custom-built sounds as if it will be lovely! I'm green........ :)


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