Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Ukulele chord melody solos - great tutorial by Peter Forrest!

I have just stumbled across this great tutorial on working out chord melody by Peter Forrest. It's very well explained, and Peter is clearly a very good musician.

His own words introduce it best!

Learning to do a ukulele chord solo is the Holy Grail of uke playing. A chord solo is basically playing a song's melody line over a chord accompaniment on a ukulele. It's very tricky to learn, but Petey will show you the basics with 3 easy steps: uno, dos, tres!!! hehe Sure, one can learn other techniques like fancy strumming to one's heart content, but playing a melody over backing chords at the same time requires a different kind of art and technique. Petey's simple 3 step tutorial (uno, dos, tres) will help you get going on that front without any musical theory required. As well, if you do have any background in musical theory, this vid will help you just as much! 8-)

Worth subscribing to, eh? I should think so!

Thanks for dropping in... this was a quickie - and I have a few more of those in store!

Coming up - Carlos Jorge Pereira Rodrigues and his Madeiran machetes!

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