Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Huddersfield hosts the Great Northern Ukulele Festival 2014 - I wonder what Harold would have thought?

Our first visit to Huddersfield, West Yorkshire. Walking towards the Town Hall, we passed the magnificent building which is Huddersfield Railway Station with its classical style facade and rather large statue of Harold Wilson, prime minister during the early 1970's - the first thoughts that came into my head were memories of the three-day-week and industrial strikes - it made me feel my age. Thank goodness for the GNUF. Inside the Town Hall with my weekend pass wristband, I was promptly rejuvenated! Stick with me for a day or day or two and I'll tell you all about it from my perspective.... if you can't wait, get over to Got A Ukulele blog for a full run down..... Barry Maz does a fantastic blogging job, running round taking photos, taking notes on the hoof, it makes me feel tired just watching him at work! Me, I'm a lazy blogger, I'm afraid .... much too busy just enjoying the music and chatting, and generally hoping I'll remember enough detail to share when I get home!

Fear not, I've plenty to tell.... come back shortly and I'll have the first snippets ready!

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